Research Opportunities


Undergraduate/Preservice Science Research Programs

U.S. Department of Energy Preservice Teacher (PST) Internship Program

This program places students (undergraduates, and credential students) in paid internships in Science, Math, and Technology at any of several different locations throughout the nation.  The participants in the program have decided on a teaching career in one of these disciplines.  Students work with scientists or engineers on projects related to the laboratories' research programs. They also have the mentorship of a Master Teacher who is currently working in K-12 education as a teacher and is familiar with the research environment of a specific National Laboratory. The different laboratories each offer different research opportunities.

CSU-LLNL Emerging Teacher Scientist Project

The principle goal of the program is to enable future science teachers (undergraduate & credential students) to experience scientific research as practiced in a major scientific research laboratory, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)


Science Teacher Research Programs



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DOE's Pre-Service Teacher Abstracts

You can find a complete list of research abstracts for the U.S. Department of Energy's Preservice Teacher (PST) program by clicking here (link is currently under construction).